
دفع الكرة الاتصال الزاوي واضعة

دفع الكرة الاتصال الزاوي واضعة

دفع الكرة الاتصال الزاوي واضعة

Hot tags:Vista thrust angular contact ball bearing High-quality brand have excellent reputation and popularity, good after-sales service system, fast, and guaranteed product quality!


As a leading global thrust angular contact ball bearing manufacturer and supplier in China, we're featured by perfect solution for many kinds of bearing supplying,competitive price and fast delivery for each customer. Please rest assured to buy thrust angular contact ball bearing at the best price from Vista. For any special requirement, contact us now.

Angular contact thrust ball bearings are Separable bearings, beneficial in applications where safe radial and axial support is required, together with extremely precise axial guidance of the shaft.

تحقيقتحمل رقمرقم قديمأبعاد الحدود مم) تصنيفات الحمل الأساسية (kN) الحد من السرعة (دورة في الدقيقة)الكتلة (كجم)
د:د 1 دقيقةد:D1 ماكسحαروبية دقيقةديناميكي (كر)ثابت (كو)Old_specالتعيينات
569184 9168184 420 430 500 490 48 60° 2 260 1440 830 1100 15.9
567284 7168284 420 462 580 538 73 45° 5 330 2010 700 980 51
569188 9168188 440 458 540 522 60 45° 2.1 380 1980 660 950 25.5
5691/500 91681/500 500 530 600 570 60 60° 2.1 322 1956 660 950 25.3
5613/520 1689/520 520 554 620 586 60 60° 2.1 409 2247 400 570 26.9
5692/530 91682/530 530 590 710 650 109 60° 5 738 4162 350 500 90.3
5617/560 1687/560 560 620 740 680 89 45° 6 805 3432 400 570 77
5991/600 91681/600 600 635 675 710 67 60° 3 504 3010 510 710 37.6
5617/610 1687/610 610 700 790 735 89 45° 4.5 840 3648 380 540 86
5617/620 1687/620 620 665 780 735 102 45° 3.5 776 3588 340 490 95.2
5692/620 91682/620 620 680 800 740 109 60° 5 902 4720 260 370 103.1
5617/650 1687/650 650 690 880 840 140 60° 6 1100 7280 260 370 200
5692/670 91682/670 670 740 900 830 140 45° 6 1260 6085 250 360 206
5691/750 91681/750 750 780 900 870 90 60° 4 587 4620 340 480 94.4
5611/800 1681/800 800 850 950 900 120 60° 4 866 6414 200 240 133.6
5692/800 91682/800 800 890 1060 970 155 60° 7.5 1134 9394 180 180 301.9
5617/810 1687/810 810 880 1030 960 110 45° 7.5 780 4080 280 400 176
5691/950 91682/950 950 1040 1250 1160 180 45° 7.5 1500 9168 120 170 432
5691/1000 91681/1000 100 1040 1180 1140 109 45° 5 1076 6516 250 360 177
5691/1120 91681/1120 1120 1170 1320 1270 122 60° 5 1020 10270 180 260 241
5617/1600 1687/1600 1600 1600 1760 1760 90 60° 6 685 8055 210 300 248
5617/1860 1687/1860 1860 1900 2100 2060 140 60° 4.5 1275 19370 92 130 577

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